Tuesday, April 30, 2013
]cn-io-e\ ¢mkv \S¯n
\yp amln : \yp amlnbnse k_ÀaXn {SÌpw
UnPnÁv A¡mUan t^mÀ A¡uØn§pw kwbpIvXambn Fw Fw F ]n kvIqfn t\XrXz
]cnioe\ ¢mkv \S¯n. atljv ]Åqcnsâ A²y£Xbn ]nem¯d skâv tPmk^v tImtfPnse
tkmjy hÀ¡v hn`mKw Akn. s{]m^. {]Pn\ ]n. hn. ]cn]mSn DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. AZn\m³, A\pj Kncojv, A³Pp
Achnµv AXp ]pcptjm¯a³, A\p{io Kncojv, A`ncmw, AXp IpaÀ F¶nhÀ ]cnioe\¢mÊn anIhp]peÀ¯n. {SÌnsâ sshkv
sNbÀam³ {ioPnjv am[h³ kzmKXhpw UnPnÁv A¡mUan t^mÀ A¡uØn§nse AUvan\nkvt{SÁÀ jo\
\µnbpw ]dªp. XetÈcn sSIvt\maoUnb UbdIvSÀ {iotPjv, tÌÀ«v t{]mPIvÁv tImÀUnt\ÁÀ
{ipXn F¶nhÀ BiwkbÀ¸n¨p.
cmjnÂ, AJntejv, A`n, jmtdm¬ Fw.Sn.sI F¶nhÀ ]cn]mSn \nb{´n¨p.
Place: New Mahe
Date: 27.04.2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Greeting from Sabarmathi Trust for Education, Research and
Training –STERT, Mahe
Cordially Invite You to
Training Program
In hands
Digit Academy for Accounting & Computer Education, New Mahe
Date: 27/04-2013 Time:
Venue: M M U P School, New Mahe, Thalassery
Welcome speech : Mr. Sreejish Madhavan, Vice Chairman, STERT
Presidential address :
Mr. Mahesh Palloor, Chairman, STERT
Inauguration : Mrs.
Prajins P V, Asst. Professor,
Dept of Social Work,St. Joseph’s College, Pilathara. Kannur
Felicitation speech :
Mr. Sreejesh, Director,
Techno Media Computer Education,
Ms. Sruthi, Project Coordinator, HEAL Social Service Club,
Vote of thanks :
Ms. Sheeja Prasad, Administrator, DIGIT,
New Mahe
Moderators : Mr. Rashil, Mr. Abhi, Mr. Akhilesh & Master. Sharon M.T.K
]cn-io-e\ ¢mkv
amln : \yq amlnbnse k_ÀaXn {SÌv t^mÀ FUyp-t¡-j³, dntkÀ¨v & s{Sbn-\n§pw- -(stert) UnPnäv
t^mÀ A¡un§v & I¼yq-«À FUyp-t¡-j\pw,
kwbp-à-ambn \memw- ¢m-kp-ap-XÂ ¹kvSp-h-sc-bpÅ hnZymÀ°n-IÄ¡mbn
2013 G{]n 27 \v i\n-bmgvN cmhnse 10 \v \yq
amln Fw.-Fw.- bp.-]n. -kvIq-fn sh¨v t\XrXz ]cn-io-e\ ¢mkv
kwL-Sn-¸n-¡p-¶p. ]s¦-Sp-¡p-hm³ B{K-ln-¡p-¶-hÀ \yq
am-ln-bnse UnPnäv A¡mZan t^mÀ A¡un§v & I¼yq-«À FUyp-t¡-j\n t]cv
cPn-ÌÀ sN¿p-Itbm At¶- Zn-hkw \yq amln Fw.-Fw.-bp-.]n. kvIq-fnÂ
lmP-cm-hp-Itbm sNt¿--Xm-Wv.
Ph: 04902332895, 9446669970.
]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊnsâ Dt±iy e£y§Ä
1) To form Child
2) To provide opportunities to
participate and organize various programs in and out of the Trust Office.
3) To develop the communication
skills and Report Writing Skills of the students.
4) To develop the decision making
power of the students .
5) To strengthen the Students Ego and
make them more Confident.
6) To develop the leadership quality
of the students and to give a best Leader to the Society.
7) To provide knowledge about
administration and management.
8) Help the students to avoid bias
and make them more productive member of the school as well as society.
9) To help the students to understand
the present Social problems and make them the Voice of new generation.
10) To organize Rural / Tribal Camp
to know the Rural / Tribal life.
11) Make the students more Service
oriented towards School, Family and Society.
12) To visit Special Schools, Old Age
Home, Rehabilitation Centers, Juvenile Home and Short Stay Home.
13) To develop the organizing skills of the students.
14) To develop Co-Scholastic
Secretary Vice Chairman Chairman
Mr. Gireesh Peringathur,
MA, B.Ed, SET Mr. Sreejish Madhavan,
B.Com, PGDCA Mr. Mahesh Palloor,
MSW, M.Phil
Place: Mahe
Date: 20.04.2013
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